Wisdom cries to all that lives saying, “I was there at the establishment of the fountains of the deep. I was beside the creator singing the world into being. I was Her daily delight, rejoicing in the inhabited world and delighting in the human race.” (Proverbs) It is not any notion of Divine wrath or punishment that brings me to tears, not the awareness of the Earth’s groaning struggle to support life or the idea that we are being starved, drowned or scorched from the surface of the world. It is not some thought that Mother Earth is slapping us in the face and calling us to either wake up or die. It is none of those things that break my heart (although they may be true). It is the relentless giving of life and love, the mystery of being alive in the blue heart of this universe that feels so unbearably beautiful. I am here. I am conscious, even for this brief lifetime. It is the call of the Holy Other into the depths of our being to come near and know that life has a meaning far beyond the reaches of our imagination. The adventure, even a perilous one, is endless, and the Love that calls us onward, holds not even a glimmer of rejection, just an open invitation to receive and become wholly ourselves. We can’t believe it of course because our human experience of love is based on fear of abandonment, pain and disapproval, but everything is given abundantly, both suffering and joy, yes both are given to expand us out of the narrow restrictions we force on ourselves. If we refuse one, we refuse the other and remain small, selfish, hidden and afraid. Wisdom, given a chance, will burst us apart like new wine in an old wine skin and make us forget how to judge each other, forget how to hate, forget how to hold a grudge because we will be dazzled by the beauty of our own being.